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Become a Bing Han member
If you are passionate about health and physical well-being and are willing to support and share with others, then you are perfect for Bing Han’s Membership: Independent Distributor and VIP Customer.
By joining as an Independent Distributor, you could enjoy the freedom and profitable potential of entrepreneurship throughout Bing Han compensation plan. Furthermore, you get to work with your own team, the people you know and trust, to achieve higher level, hence more commission earned. You don’t have to worry about much as compared to starting up a traditional business.
Click on Register Now and you are all set! Build your own business with premium products that are made ready for you, you simply leverage Bing Han’s brand power and sales expertise to build a business that suits your lifestyle.
Independent Distributor
Requires invitation from an existing Independent Distributor
- Purchase 10 cans of Bing Han Ginseng Powder on your first order to activate your distribution rights (globally).
- With active distribution rights, earn rebate and bonuses for the products your business group purchased.
- Rebate up to 52% of bonus value (read our compensation plan).
- Receive more bonuses as you reach higher tier.
- Develop and work with your team to achieve success.
- Volume accumulates. No reset no pressure.
VIP Customer
Requires invitation from an existing Independent Distributor
- Purchase Bing Han products for your own consumption.
- Discount up to 30% of bonus value.
- Discount rate increases as purchase volume accumulated.
- Convert to distributor anytime. (conditions apply)